Sunday, May 13, 2007

Tom Davis told Mr. Bush that the president's approval rating was at 5 percent

Moderates in GOP Warn Bush on Iraq
By Carl Hulse and Jeff Zeleny
The New York Times
Thursday 10 May 2007

Washington - Moderate Republicans gave President Bush a blunt warning on his Iraq policy at a private White House meeting this week, telling the president that conditions needed to improve markedly by fall or more Republicans would desert him on the war.

The White House session demonstrated the grave unease many Republicans are feeling about the war, even as they continue to stand with the president against Democratic efforts to force a withdrawal of forces through a spending measure that has been a flash point for weeks.

Participants in the Tuesday meeting between Mr. Bush, senior administration officials and 11 members of a moderate bloc of House Republicans said the lawmakers were unusually candid with the president, telling him that public support for the war was crumbling in their swing districts.

One told Mr. Bush that voters back home favored a withdrawal even if it meant the war was judged a loss. Representative Tom Davis told Mr. Bush that the president's approval rating was at 5 percent in one section of his northern Virginia district.


I find it difficult to believe that five percent of the people in Mr. Davis's district don't have newspapers or television sets.

The humble Farmer


Blogger Beltway Progressive said...

Tom Davis said anyone who didn't support the Iraq War was guilty of treason (a death penalty offense). Now, he doesn't say it's wrong. He says it's unpopular. Is he worried about losing a just war or losing his next election?

7:26 AM  

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