Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Aaron Russo’s film, “America: Freedom to Facism.”


below is a series of items that most Americans are not aware of.

All are taken from Aaron Russo’s film, “America: Freedom to Facism.”

If no one has given you the DVD yet (there are a lot floatng around), you can view it at


It will take about 2 hours of your time (but of course you can pause it at any time) and is well worth the viewing. P in Palmyra


Pres. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, and suspend habeus corpus.

This gives him dictatorial power over the people, without any checks and balances.

The govt. can jail you for life without charges, without a trial, and without a lawyer.

Because of globalization, the U.S. must accept other nations’ laws.

Under the CAFTA treaty the sale of vitamins and supplements wil be illegal.

Executive Order # 10999 allows the govt to take over all modes of transportation.

Executive Order #11000 allows the govt to mobilize civilians into work brigades under govt supervision.

Executive Order # 11921 provides that the president can declare a state of emergency that is not defined, and Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Senate bill # 1873 allows the govt to vaccinate you with untested vaccines against your will.

The FDA says Americans do not have the right to know which foods are genetically modified.

Congressman Sensenbrenner’s bill (HR 1528) requires you to spy on your neighbors, including wearing a wire. Refusal would be punishable by a mandatory prison sentence of at least two years.

The govt claims the power to sieze all financial instruments: currency, gold, silver, and everything else if they deem an emergency exists.

(Treasury Department letter, August 12, 2005)

There are 190 countries in the world. America has bases in 130 of them.

The Patriot Act permits:

• secret police and FBI searches of your home and office.

• secret govt wiretaps on your phone, computer, and/or Internet activity.

• secret investigations of your bank records, credit cards and other financial records

• secret investigations of your library and book activities

• secret examination of your medical, travel and business records

• the freezing of funds and assets without prior notice or appeal

• the creation of secret “watch lists” that ban those named from air and other travel.


Patriotism has come to mean blind support for failed leaders.- Bill Moyers

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