Friday, November 03, 2006

Katherine in Norridgewock answers humble's question

Many people answered my question, but here is one from Katherine in Norridgewock I thought you might enjoy reading.

Dear Humble,

That's a very perplexing and disturbing situation that you just described. Are you aware of what happened to the mega star country group, The Dixie Chicks, when they publicly slandered President Bush? I'm sure you are, but seeing as how you didn't know who Jimmy Buffet was I better fill you in. The night before the war broke out The Dixie Chicks were performing in London I believe it was. And the lead singer, whose name escapes me, said in an off the cuff manor to the audience something to the effect of "we just want y'all to know that we're ashamed that President Bush is from Texas." So everyone in America became very upset with the darlings of country music and radio stations, from sea to shining sea, stopped playing their hit songs. And some stations even went so far as to throw parties where the main attraction was to destroy Dixie Chick CD's. Listeners could come and stomp on them in big pits and farmers would drive their tractors over the CD's, crushing them into tiny pieces so no one could ever play that CD again. But, before they could throw these giant CD destruction parties they had to go out to the store and buy all they could find. So, My advice to you, if instead of implying something about President Bush, maybe if you came right out and slandered him severely, like the Dixie Chicks did, or say something even worse than they did, you would be banned from MPBN radio and people would throw big parties to destroy your CD's. And in order to do that they would have to go out and buy all that they could find, and you would make more money from the CD sales then from the $30 per week. And then you could go on satellite radio and like Howard Stern does and broadcast to the whole planet. And I'm not very high tech or very clever so I don't know how one goes about making money from satellite radio, but Howard Stern is rich and if he can do it, so can you Humble. And then you wouldn't have to worry about health insurance or mortgage payments and you could buy Marsha one of those escalating chairs to go up and down the stairs on. Best of luck, I'll be listening tonight with my fingers crossed,

Your friend, Katherine

Norridgewock, Maine


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