Friday, November 03, 2006

National Speakers Association

Here's a question for professional speakers.

This tip appeared in a popular newsletter that many professional speakers read every week.

It had to do with "fixing" live presentation recordings.

From time to time we record a brilliant talk, except for a couple of goofs that can't be erased or edited out. The tip encourages us to record it again in a studio and have a technician add room noises and laughter. This is called "fixing" it.

This tip is the reason I laugh when meeting planners ask me for a video or audio of one of my presentations. I've had a show on Public Radio for 28 years and was on TV for 8 years. The first TV commercial I produced-wrote-directed-and voiced beat 650 entries in 42 categories of advertising to take Best of Show.

So I know how to cut and paste and add extra laughter.

Studio recording a brilliant presentation and adding background noise and audience laughter is "fixing" it?

Is it honest to send meeting planners a sample of our cut and paste ability, even though everyone else is doing it?

I'm and I'd like to hear from you.


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