Saturday, September 30, 2006

Chris Hanson. To Catch a Predator

I like to watch Chris Hanson catch predators. You might have seen this TV program, which I, for some unknown but perverted reason, find extremely interesting. What is it in our wiring that permits human beings to enjoy watching the agony of others? This program called To Catch a Predator --- is no more than a modern version of the suffering Romans watched in the Coliseum.

This is the way it works. There are men out there --- I don’t know why they never seem to catch any women, but you can credit me when they come up with a show that does --- there are men out there who go on line and enter what are called children’s chat rooms and exchange emails with children. There are adult decoys in these chat rooms who have mastered the chat room language of the 13-year-old, who tell these men that they are 13, they are home alone, and these adults, posing as children, then make arrangements for the naughty old men to visit them.

I do not condone what these men are doing, but anyone who can read knows that it is easier to pass a law than it is to extirpate the neurological and glandular facets that were hard wired into our circuit boards millions of years ago. Ten thousand years ago our ancestors died of old age when they were 30 --- if they were lucky. Only a few hundred years ago, and perhaps even today in some deeply wooded areas of our great country, unmarried 14 year old girls were considered spinsters. But nowadays there is a law which establishes 18 as the age of consent, even though some people might be more prepared for combat or marriage at 15 than others are at 40.

So when a man types naughty explicit things to a person he thinks is under 18 and then shows up hoping to follow through with promises his wife knows he couldn’t keep at home, he has broken the law, he is arrested on camera, and program ratings soar. One might justify this type of TV programming because it notifies the 750,000 men who are trolling for children on line every day, that one out of every 25,000 of them is going to go to jail after being featured on national television. Predators probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning.

The topic is deep and has many unexplored ramifications, so what do we learn from all this? In listening to these pitiful men being interviewed on camera, one gets the impression that their compulsion might approximate that of a self-destructive gambler. They know that what they are doing is going to destroy them but they can’t stop until they’ve spent all they can borrow or until they are caught drinking beer in some teeny bopper’s Jacuzzi and are sent to jail.

We are told that lusting after young boys and girls is a mental illness, so goody, goody --- down come the walls of political correctness --- here is finally one form of mental illness that we may root out and ridicule on national television. I’m and if you are over 18 years of age, I’d like to hear from you.


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