Sunday, July 30, 2006


Obesity is in the eye of the beholder. Here again is a word that illustrates the difference between the comedian and the humorist. They both tell dirty or politically incorrect stories but the comedian employs Anglo Saxon lexical items where the humorist draws upon a vocabulary rooted in Latin and Greek which is obviously weighted with the approbation of the linguistic community. So I can talk about some things with impunity where the comedian would get lynched for his politically volatile comments.

With that said, I just read that “Obese people who exercise were found to have half the death rate of skinny people who don't.” I guess I don’t understand what the death rate implies, because weren’t you under the impression that it was 100% per person? I have never heard of a human being who escapes it.

But, as you have probably already expected, my topic is not about obesity but a mental disease just about as bad called anorexia. Doesn’t anorexia come to mind every time you see the pitiful female anchors on morning television? You know that if you dressed them in rags and laid them out in rows, their photographs could easily get someone indicted for prison camp war crimes.

Thank you for listening to my radio show on line. Neighbor humble


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