Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Charity Navigator and MPBN

Things you probably won't hear me say on the radio.

On a web page called Charity Navigator, you can locate MPBN radio. And right under Maine Public Broadcasting Network it says: engaging minds and enriching lives in our community. From that wouldn’t one get the impression that anyone worth his or her salt who sits behind an MPBN microphone would be encouraged to engage the minds and enrich the lives in our community?

Hi there, your buddy humble here, engaging minds and enriching lives in our community --- being on my guard, of course, to not enrich them too much. [I have been forbidden to say anything derogatory about Adolph Hitler in any of my MPBN broadcasts. The rationale behind this censorship seems to be that if one wasn’t listening carefully, they might think I was talking about another world leader with a propensity for invading other countries, rushing through laws that would “protect” the rights of citizens, and making his country hated by most of the rest of the world.


Ever hear of the Charity Navigator? I stumbled on it this morning while trying to find a contact person at Hawaii Public Radio. As you can see by clicking on the web site, in 2005 the president of Maine Public Radio earned $137,843 a year in wages and benefits. [Who did you think got the money you contributed to "Make great shows like The humble Farmer possible."] Anyway, I'm glad the boss earned $137,843 a year in wages and benefits in 2005. Everyone in Maine should earn at least $137,000 a year. That’s not much when you figure that MPBN would have to write me a check for over $145,000 if they would pay me $100 for every program I’ve ever made for free for you over the past 28 years. Remember that it was your kind letters that made it fun for me and kept me going.

You know that I really enjoy making this radio program for you. Thank you for your cheery encouraging letters that have kept me going all these 28 years. The thing that pleases me the most is knowing that the folks who enjoy the music and chatter here on The humble Farmer radio show are just like you in that they are your typical next door neighbor. Two of them chanced to drop by the farm yesterday. Nick, from up in The County, is a commercial pilot and Craig is the Media Director at the Library of Congress.


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