Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Robert Karl Skoglund -- Katie Couric

Unedited Rants for June 9, 2006 -- The humble Farmer Radio program
Barefoot once again in the park, dear friend. Did you see that news clip of Katie Couric interviewing the politician? He looked down at her and mentioned that she wasn’t wearing shoes. She had kicked them off because they were impossible to run in and weren’t fit to walk in and because they crushed her feet into an unnatural position they weren’t even fit to wear while sitting down. Anyway, Katie had run to get this interview that she wanted and she could never have caught her subjects wearing her hideous looking pointy-toed high heeled shoes. I can’t think of an ill-fitting anything that would cause me pain that I am expected to wear in the name of fashion. Please remember that I can slack off my belt. So who says that women can’t wear sneakers to state dinners? Who says that women have to cram ten pounds of foot into a five pound shoe? Is there a law on the books that says they must do it or do women cheerfully inflict this discomfort upon themselves? When women are referred to as the Weaker Sex, is it a commentary on their minds? I’m
Dudley Rockwell just told me that his coffin says on it “Handmade by Occupant.” You can see a picture of Dudley Rockwell on my web page of radio friends. That’s Dudley on my doorstep, standing next to me and the bass he made for me. Dudley Rockwell called me this morning because like most 93 year old men, he is uncomfortable with sending me an email on his computer. And Dudley wanted to tell me that he tried some of that waffle mix I mentioned last week and he said it was quite good. And I said that if he knew of anything better, I’d like to know what it was. Dudley is the Docent down at the Olsen house in Cushing, and you’ll get the web site in my Whine & Snivel newsletter. If you can get to Cushing, Maine this summer, stop in at the Olson House and tell Dudley that you came down to hear what he had to say.

And if you get that close, stop in to see me. I live in St. George --- on the other side of the river.
You’ve heard of dentists who could look at fillings and recognize the work of a former professor. And there are literary scholars who can read several chapters in a book and tell you from the style who wrote it. Art. Paintings? They say that some people can look at a painting and just from the brush work tell you who did it. And then there are things that ordinary people --- you and I can do. Did you hear Tony Bennett singing Just the Way you Look Tonight on the goodbye to Katie Couric program? Of course the first thing that comes into your head when you hear it is, Ah, bridge goes up a minor third. Must be Jerome Kern.
It is becoming more and more difficult to write television commercials that will influence your vote at the polls. This is because these commercials don’t really tell you anything and you are not supposed to know what or who you are voting for. Perhaps it is no longer necessary to know to which party a candidate belongs. But nowadays if a candidate is ashamed to tell you which party he belongs to, can’t you guess? There are two television commercials that I’ve seen perhaps three times each and I still have no idea what they are about. Isn’t it obvious to you that the people who are putting up the cash to influence your vote don’t want you to know what a yes or no vote will mean? What you can be sure of is that they are not going to spend money trying to buy your vote if they didn’t think they’d soon get it all back and more. And they’re going to get it out of your pocket after they’ve bamboozled you into voting against your best interests. You might have heard that some companies are trying to buy legislation that would enable them to control your email and Internet service --- that is, charge you again for it, just as if your telephone and cable bills aren’t high enough already --- and I strongly suspect that one of these ads has to do with that. I know that you understand these things and hope that you will send us an email at and tell us what they are not telling us in these television commercials.


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