Tuesday, March 13, 2007

an outrage that should lead to demands for Mr. Beck's resignation

Dear Humble,

... It's a mystery to me how a man as ill suited to public radio as Charles Beck, a man who believes in the preservation of 1970s disco music, could possibly have been put in a position to dictate which thoughts should be permitted on the public airwaves. He clearly does not realize that public radio is for the public and should not be run by frightened bureaucrats who think they can decide what the public must be kept from hearing. The commercial media do a more than adequate job of that. Attempting to stifle the rare instances of unique and humorous insights into the lunatic policies of contemporary government is an outrage that should lead to demands for Mr. Beck's resignation.

Don't despair. Keep speaking your mind. Continue to entertain us. Ignore the idiots in charge.

Yours, CG


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