Tuesday, February 02, 2010

January 31, 2010 Television Show 9 of 10

Speaking of universal health care, heres a letter from David that says: I have a friend in Cape Coral Hospital right now, . He has no health insurance, recently moved here from Minnesota, and was thrown out of work in a temporary job by a huge blood clot in his right arm. If the clot moves, it will go to his lungs and kill him, so he's stuck on his back while they try to dissolve it with heparin and coumadin. He also did not want to go to the hospital, because even if he survives this, he'll be left unemployed with a crushing debt. Here he is, 45 years old, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, otherwise healthy as a bear, brought down by some arcane blood clotting dysfunction, and now is stressed to death on top of it by having no insurance, and watches his medical bill climb astronomically every day. David ends his letter by saying: Poor people who vote Republican are like chickens voting for Frank Perdue.


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